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We recommend Bath programms To buy film<br>«Bath Journey» Bath tours Mountain<br>health tours MY BATHHOUSE
Россия, Москва, e-mail: rusbanpar@yandex.ru, тел.+7-916-651-30-63
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Bath programms

  1. The duration of staying in the bathhouse (1-2 persons) 1-1,5 hours , including 1-3 Besom strokes.
    Great choice of Besoms.
    Price -from 1000 roubles.

  2. The duration of staying in the bathhouse (1-3 persons) 2-3 hours including 1-5 Besom strokes and herbal tea on recommendation.
    Great choice of Besoms.
    Price - from 3000 roubles.

  3. The duration of staying in the bathhouse (1-4 persons) 2,5-4 hours . including 1-6 Besom strokes and herbal tea on recommendation.
    Great choice of Besoms.
    Price - from 4000 roubles.

  4. Program of authorship
    The duration of staying in the bathhouse (1-3 persons) 1-3 1-3 hours including the following.
    Besoms: birch, oak, fir-tree, juniper, young bamboo & herbal tea on recommendation.
    Price from 5000 roubles.

  5. A lot of options are possible. Requests of any kind are welcome including range of Besoms and duration of staying.

  6. Exclusive programs.
    Exclusive programs on fresh birch or fir Besoms and on the poic hay.


Price of the Besoms & tea as well as bath's lease, aromatic oil, massage service are not included.

Fell free to contact us, ask any questions and take part in our program
Tel. 8-916-651-30-63

Belyaev Sergey Valentinovich


Besoms' order is also possible.

Have "a light steam" and merry mood!