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Россия, Москва, e-mail: rusbanpar@yandex.ru, тел.+7-916-651-30-63
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Russian bath in the XXI century


In different times people paid great attention to their health.

We suggest physical and spiritual health-improving through salutary and beneficial pleasure of the Russian Bath
otherwise known as Banya!
Russian steam Bath is a science that helps to get health, beauty and pleasure.
 It’s that one beneficial that was created by our ancestry and Nature.
One should use all this correct - tasty vapor in the steam bath, massage,
quality besom (pecial brooms)s and salutary tea with honey.
Individual attitude is ensured.
What can be more beneficial and pleasant; hot bath with besom and cold water.
It's great training and overwhelming effect of rejuvenescence.
Russian proverbs say:
"The bath steams one and gives one health."
"He took a steam bath and was born again."
"The bath steams, the bath corrects, the bath mends everything."
"In the steam bath, the Besom is worth more than money."
The aim of our club is to help you to find strong health, well-being & welfare.
Beneficial pleasure and absolute harmony are guaranteed.

You'll have "light steam" in our Bathhouse.
Go to the bath and be healthy!
